Chemical Waste Container Explosion – Lessons Learned
EH&S staff were notified of a chemical spill on August 2, 2017, during which a waste bottle ruptured in secondary containment bin, spilling about 3 liters of liquid. The lab was evacuated and a hazardous material team cleaned up the chemicals and shattered glass.
The ruptured 4 liter glass bottle was manufactured for chemical waste storage and disposal purposes, and reportedly contained a mixture of organic solvents. EH&S staff noted that the hazardous waste label was incomplete and the actual contents were unknown.
Work safely with dry ice
EH&S has published a new guidance sheet focused on working safely with dry ice. This useful resource reviews the hazards and appropriate precautions that should be used with dry ice, commonly used for the shipment of specimens and during power outages.
Working Safely with Dry Ice
Dry ice, the solid form of carbon dioxide (CO2), is commonly used in UW research. Its properties allow for rapid cooling of materials, but also pose unique worker safety hazards. This focus sheet provides guidelines for how to work with dry ice safely.
Disaster Response (PEAT)
The Pre-Entry Assessment Team (PEAT) is the UW's first responder disaster team that consists of members of EH&S and UW Tacoma Safety and Security.
Chemical Waste Guide for UW Facilities
This guide contains instructions for a list of specific shop-related wastes as well as general guidance for spills and disposal.
This guide was written for shops operated by UW Facilities. Other groups on campus, such as laboratories, that produce the chemical wastes discussed in this guide are welcome to also use it as a reference and training tool.
Hazardous Waste Checklist
Generators of hazardous waste at the University Prepare for a Washington state hazardous waste inspection by answering the questions on the Hazardous Waste Checklist.
Acrylamide Use SOP
Standard Operating Procedure template for Acrylamide
Benzene Use SOP
Standard Operating Procedure template for Benzene
Biological Toxin SOP
If you work with biological toxins, you need to have a toxin-specific SOP in place for each toxin used.
Use Biological Toxin SOP template (Word) to create your SOP. Then provide training to any personnel handling toxins and use the training template to document. Also review our Biological Toxin Safe Work Practices and incorporate this information into your lab's SOP.