Health and Safety Committees
Updated February 7, 2025
The University’s health and safety committees help foster a strong culture of safety with a goal of preventing workplace injuries and illnesses.
The UW health and safety committee structure, which includes ten organizational health and safety committees along with the University-Wide Health and Safety Committee, represents all UW employees institution-wide. Responsibilities of the health and safety committees include:
- Evaluating workplace incident reports for cause and corrective actions
- Evaluating accident prevention programs and safety inspection trends
- Acting as liaison between committee members and the UW personnel they represent
- Evaluating health and safety-related materials
- Recommending actions to resolve health and safety concerns
The University’s health and safety committee program is overseen by Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) and aligned with the safety committee requirements of Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.
The executive sponsor of each committee works with EH&S to ensure the committees are representative of the organization, department, or unit served. The chair of each committee ensures meetings occur monthly and that meeting minutes are kept. Committee members are elected or appointed to a committee for a two-year term.
During elections, UW personnel are encouraged to nominate themselves or others for committee membership, vote in elections, and communicate their health and safety concerns with their committee representatives.
Health and Safety Committee Meeting Information
Health and safety committees are a valuable resource for all University personnel. One of the 10 committees listed below represents your unit or department.
Contact your chair(s) for a current member roster or to inquire about meeting schedule or minutes.
Executive Sponsor: Tricia Serio, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Co-Chair: Samantha Einarson
Co-Chair: Dian Gay
- Academic & Student Affairs
- Applied Physics Lab
- Attorney General’s Office
- Campus Community Safety
- College of Built Environments
- College of Education
- CoMotion
- Continuum College
- Creative Communications
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Evans School of Public Policy & Governance
- Foster School of Business
- Graduate School
- Information School
- Intercollegiate Athletics
- Internal Audit
- Office of Academic Personnel
- Office of External Affairs
- Office of Global Affairs
- Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity
- Office of Research
- Office of the President
- Office of the Provost
- School of Law
- Undergraduate Academic Affairs
- University Advancement
- University Libraries
- UW Compliance & Risk Services
- UW Finance
- UW Human Resources
- Washington National Primate Research Center
Executive Sponsor: Lou Cariello, Vice President of Facilities
Co-Chair: Alison Robinson
Co-Chair: Derek Martin
- Building Services
- Campus Utilities & Operations
- Capital Space & Management
- Customer Experience
- Emergency Management
- Engineering Services
- Facilities Employee Services
- Maintenance & Construction
- Project Delivery
- Real Estate
- Sustainibility
- Safety
- Transportation Services
- University Architects
Executive Sponsor: Denzil J. Suite, Vice President for Student Life
Co-Chair: Amanda Reynoso-Palley
Co-Chair: Cristal P. Visser
- Campus Life
- Office of Ceremonies
- Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life
- Q Center
- Recreational Sports Programs/IMA
- Student Legal Services
- Student Publications (The Daily)
- The HUB
- David C. Hall Building
- Housing & Food Services
- Student Life and Care
- Career Center
- Community Standards and Student Conduct
- Counseling Center
- Disability Resources for Students
- LiveWell
- Student Life External Relations and Strategic Initiatives
Executive Sponsor: Jason Lindahl, Director, Health Sciences Administration
Chair: Carol Harvey
- Health Sciences Administration
- Academic Services & Facilities
- Center on Human Development and Disability (CHDD)
- School of Dentistry
- School of Nursing
- School of Pharmacy
- School of Public Health & Community Medicine
- School of Social Work
- School of Medicine
Executive Sponsors: Seth M. Hennessey and Pamela Renna, Associate Administrators
Chair: David Manley
Vice Chair: Norma De Leon
Website - An AMC account is required to access. Use this link to sign in to UW Medicine
if you are not already signed in under your AMC log-in.
- Airlift Northwest
- Harborview Medical Center
- Health Sciences Risk Management
- Medical Affairs
- UW Medical Center
- UW Medicine Primary Care
Executive Sponsor: Peter Denis, Assistant Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Chair: Patrick Gibbs
Vice-Chair: Sarah O'Hara
- Arts
- Humanities
- Museums and Special Projects
- Natural Sciences
- Social Sciences
Executive Sponsor: Gowri Shankar, Vice Chancellor for Planning and Administration
Chair: Jesus Govela
- Academic Affairs
- Admissions
- Bookstore
- Business Programs
- Chancellor's Office
- Computing and Software Systems Program
- Cultural Studies
- Education Program
- Finance and Administration
- Information Systems
- Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences Program
- Library
- Media Center
- Nursing Program
- Physical Plant Services
- Policy Studies
- Public Relations and Communications
- Public Safety and Security
- Quantitative Skills Center
- Teaching and Learning Center
- Writing Center
Executive Sponsor: Sylvia James, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Co-Chair: Caitlin Chavez-Moats
Co-Chair: Julie Palumbo
Meeting Minutes
- Academic Affairs
- Office of Advancement
- Alumni Relations
- Autism Center
- Campus Safety
- Center for the Study of Community and Society
- Chancellor's Office
- Computer Services/Information Technology
- Conference Services
- Continuing Studies
- Copy/Mail Center
- Education
- Enrollment Services
- Facilities Services
- Finance
- General Education Center
- Global Honors Program
- Human Resources
- Institute of Technology/Computing and Software Systems
- Institutional Research and Planning
- Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
- International Programs
- KeyBank Professional Development Center
- Library
- Media Services
- Milgard School of Business
- Nursing
- Ombudsman, Office of
- Pacific Rim Center
- Public Relations, Office of
- Social Work
- Student Affairs
- Teaching and Learning Center
- University Bookstore
- Urban Studies
- Diversity Resource Center
Executive Sponsor: Nancy Allbritton, Frank & Julie Jungers Dean of Engineering
Chair: Alex Lefort
- William E. Boeing Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics
- Bioengineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil & Environmental Engineering
- College of Engineering - Dean's Office
- Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
- Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Human Centered Design & Engineering
- Industrial & Systems Engineering
- Materials Science & Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
Executive Sponsor: Maya Tolstoy, Dean of the College of the Environment
Chair: David Warren
Vice Chair: Andrea Chateaubriand
- Atmospheric Sciences
- Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
- Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies (CICOES)
- Dean's Office
- Earth & Space Sciences
- EarthLab
- Environmental & Forestry Sciences
- Friday Harbor Labs
- Marine & Environmental Affairs
- Oceanography
- Program on the Environment
- Washington NASA Space Grant
- Washington Sea Grant
If you are interested in becoming a member, contact EH&S.
University-Wide Health and Safety Committee
The University-Wide (U-Wide) committee was established to connect the 10 organizational health and safety committees together and discuss health and safety concerns that relate to the whole University. The U-Wide committee is composed of two representatives from each of the organizational committees, union members, and Ex Officio members. Ex Officio members can include representatives from the Office of Risk Management, the Attorney General's Office, Human Resources, UW Emergency Management, Facilities Services and EH&S staff for support.
More information on the purpose, composition, and charge of the U-Wide committee can be found in the U-Wide Charter.
The meetings take place on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 1:00 - 2:30 PM via Zoom.
Health and Safety Committee Election Guide